Fabric upcycle: make a chicken door stop
September 11, 2014 – 5:55 am | No Comment

To make this chicken door stop I used the template kindly offered by Bake and Sew. I adjusted the sizes in mine to make it a little larger by adding 4 cm on each …

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Funny colourful plasters take the pain away quickly

Submitted by on July 21, 2009 – 12:40 amNo Comment


Having had to deal with a screaming child at the playground after the usual little accidents kids have when they are busy playing and not looking I don’t leave the house anymore without antiseptic tissues and plasters in my handbag. Hansaplast Disney plasters are great, with their colourful familiar characters children seem to forget quickly about the scratch on their knees or elbows and the hint of blood doesn’t look so bad. Don’t be fooled by the funny pictures, these are fully functional plasters both water and dirt resistant designed to keep the wound free of bacteria. They also come in special shape to cover cuts and grazes on knees and elbows. Disney characters available are Cinderella and other fairy tale princesses, Nemo, Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse. Hansaplast plasters in the UK have a different name and are known as Elastoplast.


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